Monday 23 March 2009

Sometimes you just need to open your mouth and let your belly rumble...

Firstly, Youth Chorus tonight was awesome. It's totally amazing to be part of such a spirit-filled group of people. I'm so proud of what we are able to do as a group. And the fact that we are able to feel comfortable with eachother in the fun times as well as the serious stuff is truly amazing.
Tonight also got me thinking....

I've been really challenged in the past week or so by a couple of people, who probably don't know that they've done it. One was a lecturer at uni, and the other was a mate of mine.
Firstly one of my Lecturers made a lighthearted comment about how my passion for my faith and sharing my knowledge was inspirational. It totally shocked me that he felt that way. To start off, I think my insane-ness about certain things can be off-putting, and sometimes i just get way too involved in what I'm saying. But he clearly said that he thought my excitement for Jesus was catching. Scary eh? Now your probably thinking that I'm mental for not just taking the compliment? Yep i know it seems stupid, but i found it really daunting. Like I had something to live up to now. It took me a few days to step back and think...actually yeah I think its supposed to be a positive thing. Bluh I'm so idiotic sometimes.

And then when I was reading my friend's Blog the other day I was really struck by something he said. He was talking about how the small things you can do in people's lives can be really amazing. And how things that may seem trite and obvious to us, can be huge to someone else in their situation. My mate's 'ramble', really challenged me to see the seemingly insignificant things in my life and to try to give them the importance they deserve. To us, our ramblings may seem aimless, but God may have a plan for that ramble, and it could (techincally) change a whole heap of things...even the world!(Luther-King did it!haha)
So there we go, an insight into the moosh of my brain.

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